Explore IIP’s specialty in BFA, MFA in Photography Education, Podcast this time with Manish Sehrawat

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Our discussion begins with an exploration of the educational landscape in photography. Manish sheds light on the intricacies of pursuing bachelors and masters in photography, addressing common queries and misconceptions that often surround these programs. One pivotal aspect we explore is the balance between theory and practicality in photography education. We analyze the importance of theory in building a strong foundation for practical skills and how they complement each other.

Photography, as an art form, has evolved over the years, and its purpose continues to expand. Manish discusses the evolving relevance of portraiture in street photography, highlighting the dynamic nature of the field. We also delve into the historical context of photography, particularly its relationship with painting during the 19th century. This period saw a healthy conflict between these two mediums, and we dissect the impact it had on both.

Our conversation then turns to the great masters of photography, such as Ansel Adams, Vivian Maier, and Martin Parr. Manish emphasizes why studying these iconic figures is essential for aspiring photographers, drawing from their unique contributions and styles.

Philosophy plays a significant role in photography, shaping the way photographers view and capture the world. We explore the philosophical aspects of photography and how it influences an artist’s creative process.

One of the intriguing topics discussed is the development of opinions in photography. Manish elucidates how sociology and teaching pedagogy at IIP, in alignment with the National Education Policy by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, contribute to shaping students’ perspectives and opinions in photography.

Education at IIP incorporates a credit point system, and we explore how this approach prepares students for a well-rounded understanding of photography. We also examine how digital photography and analog photography can complement each other, enriching a photographer’s skillset.

Creativity is a fundamental aspect of photography, and Manish provides insights on improving natural instincts to foster creativity among students and photographers.

The conversation takes a practical turn as we discuss curation in exhibition designing and photo books, providing valuable insights into the art of presenting and preserving photographic works.

Towards the end, we draw comparisons between IIP and international photography institutions like ICP (International Center of Photography) and others. Manish articulates why IIP stands out as a superior choice for photography education.

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