Learn Balance in Photograph, Review 5, IIPian Mintu Mathew, A 3 Months Online Photography Course

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Welcome to another exciting episode of “Let’s Talk Photography” with Rajesh Goyal, a series under IIP presents. In this special edition of our photography review series, Khan Sir of Photography and IIP Founder Director, Rajesh Goyal, take you on a captivating journey through Mintu Mathew’s photographic skills. Mintu hails from the beautiful land of Kerala and successfully completed her three-month online photography course in 2021.

In this episode, we dive deep into Mintu’s journey, exploring her artistic evolution and her technical prowess. Khan Sir and Rajesh Goyal meticulously review her assignment, which took place in a vibrant flower market. Mintu’s work showcases both her technical finesse and her exceptional aesthetic sense.

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