!! सन्यास दीक्षा समारोह !!

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A ceremony called “Sanyas Diksha” was held at Patanjali Vidyapeeth, where followers committed to living a life of celibacy and serving humanity, while not pursuing family life. This reflects the cultural values in India of prioritizing community service and adherence to one’s dharma or duty. Prominent figures such as Swami Ramdev, Acharya Balkishan, and Sarsangh Chalak Sri Mohan Bhagwat were present at the ceremony.

The IIP Institute of Cultural and Creative Arts was responsible for documenting this religious ceremony and creating a coffee table book for future generations to witness. It is noteworthy that IIP students, Ojaswi Shandilaya, Shubham Pandey, and Mahendra Singh, have put in tremendous effort and produced exceptional work, which makes us proud, moreover enjoyed every moment they stayed at Patanjali Vidyapeeth.

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